We have been sick the past 2 weeks. I guess I mean Zeke and I have been sick. Zeke gets these awful high temperatures that also increase his seizure activity. We have been snotty and conjested and just miserable. Awful!! Mine got better after some antibiotics but Zeke's pediatrition won't put him on any because he probably doesn't need them? I don't know I'm not a doctor but I wish he would get better.
Kizzy keeps trying to join the fun and cough just because and tell us she's sick too. It's kinda funny. Brigham has also stayed healthy thankfully.
Hi Cori. I hope you dont mind I found your blog off the autism community page..I know you through Dr. Vance, my son goes there(Tanner). I was just curious if I knew anybody Im glad I found someone that I know I hope you dont mind. Feel free to visit my blog if you would like. Hope you are feeling better. Have a nice night