Christmas is different this year. We aren't going to my family's, and we have different priorites with money. We went in with Brig's family to split a cow for meat. So this weekend my sister-in-law is bringing back 900 lbs of beef. We get 300 lbs of it. I am so excited to have that much meat (not sure if I have enough room), but it's made Christmas different because instead of putting 300 dollars into Christmas we put it to the meat. So, Christmas is smaller this year than what I'm use to. But I got my box of presents from my mom today and we have hiding presents that my grandma had for us, so there will still be a lot of presents under the tree. We gave the kids 2 gifts, and really, with everyone else's contribution not to mention the presents my kids got over Thanksgiving, we are so blessed.
So I'm 17 weeks pregnant and getting pretty excited about it. Again I'm hoping for a girl, and Brig's hoping for a boy. The PA said that I must have an onery one because he couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler for a bit. He really had to search. But it was there loud and strong. He also said that I am still down 8 pounds since I first came in. So I'm doing extrememly well in the weight department. I've been feeling great and am super greatful for a husband who is really making sure I don't work to hard. When I've done major cleaning he comes home greatful for my working hard but then he tells me I'm grounded to resting for the rest of the night. Oh, well, I told him that he's gonna be my coach this time around and he's taking it seriously. The last 2 labors I'd listen to the nurse better than Brigham and since I don't know the nurses or the hospital this time he's taking responsiblity of being my coach so we can have a great experience. I'm excited.
We had our Christmas party with the ward and here are the pictures of the kids with Santa.
Zeke was more interested in the bag of candy than Santa but we all know the priorities! LOL Kizzy asked for a big bag of candy, he asked about a doll and she said no just candy. Silly kids.
Thank you all again for your love and support. I'm feeling really blessed right now. Thank you all.
It sounds like things are going well for you. I can't wait to find out what gender the baby is. Give the kids a hug from us! Have a WONDERFUL christmas!