Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How in the world??

We have been computer less for about a month! How in the world do people live without one?? I have had to go to my mother-in-laws to get my primary stuff done. Luckily she is a sweet heart and has let me use her printer. But I'm back in the swing of things but now have a ton of things to tell people!! LOL

We are hitting the 29 week mark on Thursday!! So only 11 more weeks to go. However, she is measuring about a week and a half ahead of the game. So either she is sitting high, a big baby or we have our due date wrong. I'm kinda hoping she will wait till her due date because it's Zeke's last day of school and I wouldn't have to worry about walking Zeke across the parking lot to school. This little kiddo is also an extremely active kid. I don't know if I just didn't know what to look for with the other pregnancies or if I was just working to much to notice but this kid seems so much more active! She's a stinker too! She seems to know when her daddy wants her to kick him and she quits moving. But as we get later in the pregnancy there is not very much room for her to hide from his hand. LOL So need less to say Brigham has finally started to feel her move around. I have been extremely tired lately and wondering if I'm getting enough good quality sleep. But then again who sleeps good when they are pregnant? I have also noticed my hands and feet have been swelling which is a little concerning but my blood pressure is down this time around. With Zeke and Kizzy, my blood pressure was scary high, so boo to the swollenness and yeah to the good blood pressure. The kids have been awesome with me being pregnant, we are still trying to teach Zeke that he can't climb all over me as much any more though.

Speaking of Zeke, he has been doing so great in school now that we have gotten rid of the aid that he had. Ms. Hill is an amazing woman. The behaviors that we had been having have pretty much dissapeared. It's so exciting. Since we are all concerned how next year will go since he will have a full day instead of a half day, he will be going for a full week in April to both kindergarten classes. So morning and afternoons. It will be interesting to see how he will do. So the plan hopefully for next year is that he will go to first grade in the morning since that is when they are working on reading and math (things he really excells at) then they want to only start with 1 or 2 days of full day but the afternoon will most likely be filled with a kindergarten class. The hope is that we can get him to tolerate a full day of school, so as he starts tolerateing it, they will add more days so that by the end of the year he will be going everyday full days. And if he tolerates it well sooner they will start intergrating him into the first grade class in the afternoon. So we will see. He most likely will have to repeat 1st grade, not for academics but for where he stands behaviorally and emotionally. We have also started having home therapy twice a week and boy is it hard! One big plus is that my house has to be clean, so I'm forced to work harder and force my family to take better care of the house. It's been interesting.

Kizzy is so ready for school!! She thought that when she turned 5 that she would get to go to school and was dissappointed when she had to wait till August. But she decided to get her ears peirced and has taken such good care of them. She also loves talking to "Her" baby. I'm sure that the baby is going to know Kizzy's voice when she's born. Kizzy also loves to pass out stickers to everyone (princess stickers) and passes one out to Brigham, Zeke, Me, and of course the baby. So, I get a ton of questions if I forget to take the sticker off when I go places.

Brigham just got back from 2 days of training on the Allison Transmitions in Salt Lake City. It's awesome to have him go and learn. It also is an eye opener of how much I depend on Brigham. It's amazing that we can complain that all our husbands to is come home and do nothing but when I'm doing all by myself I realize how much he does. So even though I miss him when he goes I also appreciate the reminder of how much he does. It's also good for him because he comes home missing me and the kids and really shows us he loves us too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are going well for you. Not much longer, yay! Guess what! Kim was born on Friday! Woohoo! Check out my blog for more info.
