The first cake was for my niece Ariyah who loves horses and the second was for a 90th birthday party. The flowers on the second one are all hand made. Back to when my mom was here, I was so greatful to have someone hold Maddy while I worked. Boy it was tireing and hard but so worth it.
It was really fun getting to spend time with my mom and getting to talk with her. She also did all my laundry. I love her for that!! After she left my dad showed up. He didn't get to stay as long but boy he was wonderful. He cleaned my kitchen, played a ton with my kids, and then put in my garden for me!! I am totally greatful for that!
Maddy is such a good baby! Very Urpy as I like to say (she spits up alot!!) She is gaining weight very slowly and seems to have troubles keeping food down. So, I made an appoinment for tomorrow to see if she's gained anymore weight. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Brigham got called to the 11 year old scouts. He hasn't been set apart yet because he has to go through a ton of paperwork to get into boyscouts but he was able to go on a scout camp with the boys and absolutly loved it!! I'm super excited to have him be in scouts. It will be awesome to have him get to know the program before Zeke gets into scouts.
Sorry to post so short! Will update soon!!