WOW!! I can't believe that we've had Maddy in our lives for almost 9 weeks now!! We have really had a huge adjustment trying to balance everything. I'm just not use to one more person to have to get ready. Thankfully she is a wonderful and mellow girl.
We blessed Maddy over the 4th of July and had a ton of family here. We made soup and rolls for a dinner afterwards. I made chicken noodle and clam chowder (homemade) and my dad brought bean and bacon soup. It was great. Being so busy however I didn't get to eat either of the soups I'd made!! I was super dissappointed but you can always make soup again, you can't always see family!! Maddy's blessing was short and sweet, one part I loved was something about "you've come into a special family with a special spirit and special needs. You will grow into what your Heavenly Father wants you to be if you follow the spirit that each person in your family including your big brother, has." Now I don't remember word for word but this really hit a cord for me and made me feel wonderful. How awesome for Maddy to be reminded that she can learn from her brother.
My mom made Maddy this really long very pretty blessing dress. It was so amazing, she looked like an angel.
This is a picture of Maddy with her Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Anna. (Brig's Parents)
This picture is of Maddy with her Grandpa George and Grandma Marsha. (My Dad and Step mom)
This picture is of Maddy and her Grandma Shannon, Rich, Aunt Mandi, and Uncle Nate. (My Mom, her husband, my sister, and brother)