Thursday, October 28, 2010

I only have a second but here are the kid's Halloween outfits. Kizzy was a rainbow kitty, Zeke was Pikachu from pokemon (both of these costumes my mom made) and Maddy is a sheep. But Kizzy says she's Timmy from Timmy Time on disney channel. It's a cute show.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Family Pictures

As you can see we got family pictures done. It was alot of fun. We had Zeke's wonderful school aid Shannon Hill's daughter Britany take our pictures. Not only did she do a beautiful job she was super professional and had a million ideas! It was fun. We didn't get as many of Zeke that we wanted to, but you can't have everything.

I haven't written in over a month it has been so crazy. First off, TODAY MADDY IS 5 MONTHS OLD!!! I can't belive how big she is. It's almost Halloween again and I'm super excited to be able to take my kids trick or treating. Last year we had a sweet older gentleman in our ward hand out ice cream cones! How awesome is that! LOL

Maddy is doing awesome. She is growing like a weed. She is definetly more petite than my other two were at that age. Zeke was a chunky monkey and was long. Kizzy was about the same weight but much longer. I can't wait to see! She still has alot of hair, and it's still curly too. I'm not sure what to do with curly hair but it will be an adventure. She is very calm for the most part and is such a good girl. It's really funny cause most of the babies around here are born with no hair. People in the ward say she's the standard of hair. LOL

Kizzy is loving Kindergarten. She is such a social butterfly and really enjoys being around other kids. She is a big helper too, she loves helping with Maddy. To much in fact! LOL

Zeke has been doing well in school. I was thinking that he would have the same problems as last year with hitting and being agressive and he isn't. He is reading at 32 words per minute which is right on target for his age group. He is really trying to reach out and be with his peers. It's so exciting to see him grow.

Brig's been doing great. Still working hard at work and working hard at home. He loves working on cars. I wish I had something like that where I was passionate about it and could do it everyday.

I've been struggling with my depression again and have really had to work hard at keeping my head above water. I really have had to work hard to clean house. All I've wanted to do was climb back under my covers and stay there. But I am greatful for kids and for a wonderful husband who help me see my worth. I have been going to arobics and was doing wonderful at going untill this last week. I really just need to kick my own but and get there.

I really am greatful to a wonderful Heavenly Father who blesses me with a beautiful family and friends. I am truely greatful for His love and for his sacrifice for me.