Zeke has been doing great in school. He is in the highest reading level in first grade. He has grown a ton!! He is 4 feet tall, and weighs 55 pounds now. According to his hight and weight chart at the doctors he's a short fat kid. But we all know how active Zeke is and know that he's solid muscle! LOL Zeke really grasped Christmas this year and enjoyed ripping open presents. He was excited for Santa and was excited to watch everyone open presents. If you didn't open fast enough he would "help"! LOL Again this year Zeke was sick over his birthday and spent his birthday dinner with a bunch of family over on the couch with a fever. Nothing else just a fever. He now is a big man of 7! We are hoping that with alot of Family Home Evening lessons on Baptism that he will want to be baptised. I am not going to allow him to be "dunked" as Brig puts it, until Zeke has the desire to be baptised. It would be awesome for him to be baptised next year with his cousin or the following year with Kizzy. It is up in the air.
Kizzy has grown so big too! She is only 3 inches shorter than Zeke and only weighs 45 pounds. She has had the flu 3 times since Christmas and lost 8 pounds, but has finally put a couple of them back on. She doesn't eat for days when she is sick. The 24 hour flu turns into a couple of days of feeling sick. She will have the normal 24 hour sickness but then refuses to eat and then can't get better. Next year it's the flu shot for her! Kizzy has excelled in Kindergarten. She is so much like me, she is just a social butterfly. She has alot of people at school that she plays with. She is reading high for her grade as well, because she is trying to keep up with Zeke. It's great to have them both reading. Kizzy enjoyed Christmas this year as well, she was so excited to help Maddy and made Christmas so much fun. Kizzy was well for her birthday shockingly, but had to wait a couple of weeks because there was a death in Brigham's extended family and most of the family around here went to the funeral. But we had a ton of fun eating and playing games.
Maddy just turned 9 months old last night. She is eager to get rid of baby food and eat big people food. We are trying to get her to eat more baby food but she loves to eat with her hands. She is such a good baby and has really been good for the family. She has been army crawling around getting in to everything. Kizzy and Zeke's room are off limits and she knows it!! They have too many little toys and she loves it in there!! Heehee! She weighed about 19 pounds on the scale yesterday but this is my scale not a doctors. She is a light weight around here considering everyone else (me and Brig included) weighed 25-30 pounds at a year old. Yes she still has time to catch up, but looking at the pictures of Zeke and Kizzy at this age and they were chunks!! She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. She has been babbling alot and her first word was DADA. darn it! But she does say mommma when she really wants something.
Brigham celebrated a 4 year anniversary for working with Trane's Diesel. They have been a blessing. He works monday thru Friday and they get things like Elders Quorem parties and scout camp. I love them there! He has been in the scouting program for a couple of months and has enjoyed that. It's an expensive commitment though. A scout shirt with all the patches and a book added up to 70 dollars! Not to mention he needed a sleepingbag, and camping gear for the campouts! Oh, well you should see him with those boys. They really enjoy having a big kid for a leader. We are hoping they will put Brig in the Cub Scouts when Zeke turns 8 so that Zeke could have a helper.
Well, I have been trying to rearrange our house. We are building a temporary wall in a big room downstairs we use for storage and basically building a room for Zeke so half of this room will be for storage and the other half for Zeke. Then Maddy will have Zeke's room and where the play room is now will be our room. We have been using what some would consider a family room as our room but will be turning this room into a play/family room. So we are moving a king size bed in a room where you basically open the door and climb into bed, but we don't techically need that much room for a bed room when all we do is sleep in there! So the kids will have a big play room and we will have a tiny room. I am trying not to get overwhelmed right now though because trying to rearrange creates chaos and trying to work around chaos till it's all put back is hard but, it will all be worth it in the end right! We found out in December after realizing that I didn't have the flu for 3 weeks, that I'm pregnant again. We went to the doctor in February and got an ultrasound and discovered that I was 17 weeks. So I'm about 19 and 1/2 weeks now. Baby is a girl and is due July 16th. One of Brigham's brothers is (well his wife is) expecting in July as well. So 2 grandbabies in 1 month is exciting for the Grandparents. I'm finnaly excited about the baby. This will be our last one. We will be getting my tubes tied later this year. It will be sad have this be our last one but our plates are extremely full.
I will try to post again super soon! Love you all!